Higher efficiency wood stoves have helped solve this problem to a certain degree but the greatest factor is in the dryness and efficient btu conversion of your wood.
Creosote logs for wood stoves.
Simply burn a creosote sweeping log in your wood burning fireplace or woodstove and your creosote worries will be gone in minutes.
The answer is yes and no.
Over time it will build up inside your chimney.
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Creosote the filmy residue deposited in a chimney by burning wood is the bane of many fireplaces and a big reason a wood burning fireplace needs to be inspected each year since creosote deposits can increase fire risks.
It sounds like a cheap and easy fix.
Hardwoods will burn longer.
Creosote is unburned gases condensing on the flue of the chimney.
Softwoods often produce a little more creosote than do hardwoods but not under all circumstances.
Wood burning fireplaces are extremely popular in southeast michigan homes.
You may have seen creosote sweeping logs on the shelves at big box stores and wondered if they really work.
Creosote sweeping logs can improve your chimney s performance if used correctly.
Creosote is a flammable material which can ignite causing a fire up in your chimney.
But do creosote sweeping logs work like they claim.
Hardwoods such as oak are denser than softwoods such as pine.
However the effect of wood type is not as important as chimney type and location and this isn t.
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Creosote log wood stove.