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Currey ingram academy tn.
It has 262 students in grades k 12 with a student teacher ratio of 3 to 1.
It has a student teacher ratio of 4 0 to 1.
After graduation 80 of students from this school go on to attend a 4 year college.
Since 2002 the school has been located on an 83 acre campus in brentwood tenn just miles from nashville and franklin.
Currey ingram academy is a private high school located in brentwood tn and has 309 students in grades kindergarten through 12th.
Currey ingram academy is an exemplary private school in brentwood and is also a highly effective school in nashville tn for children with special needs like adhd and dyslexia.
Currey ingram academy is an exemplary k 12 day and boarding school that empowers students with learning differences to reach their fullest potential.
Currey ingram serves students with average to superior intelligence but are not reaching their fullest potential in traditional classrooms.
Currey ingram academy is an exemplary k 12 day and boarding school that empowers students with learning differences to reach their fullest potential.
Currey ingram academy in brentwood tennessee serves 318 students in grades nursery preschool 12.
Since 2002 the school has been located on an 83 acre campus in brentwood tenn just miles from nashville and franklin.
Tuition is 69 000 for the highest grade offered.
Find currey ingram academy test scores student teacher ratio parent reviews and teacher stats.
Currey ingram academy is a private boarding alternative school located in brentwood tn.
Currey ingram academy is an exemplary k 12 day and boarding school that empowers students with learning differences to reach their fullest potential.
Since 2002 the school has been located on an 83 acre campus in brentwood tenn just miles from nashville and franklin.