30 fire protection potion and 30 elixir of shadow power in the queue but i have only mats for 19 and 25.
Crafting mats only tsm.
Everything related to making gold is made fast and easy by our addon.
Head to crafting reports then materials and you can search for expulsom and change the value.
Then in the box custom price for this source type in the string below it in code.
Restock quantity settings within shopping and crafting operations now accept custom prices.
Tradeskillmaster tsm is an addon suite designed to help both players new to the gold making scene as well as experienced auction house goblins streamline their gold making processes including everything from crafting things to buying mats to snatch deal finding lists to creating and canceling auctions.
Our addon is the best of the best when it comes to making gold in world of warcraft.
The auctioning post cap has increased to 50k for retail.
This is the most important part of tsm.
The crafting queue will now be sorted by profit after whether or not you have the mats needed to craft things.
In crafting module in price inventory tabs i usually pick undermine journal mean in both mats and crafts prices just for safety since i use percentage of crafting cost in my auctioning groups.
Tsm s features include everything from improving the native crafting and auctioning experiences to helping you gather needed materials and sniping that low hanging auction house fruit.
All mats are imported into your group.
Ive been using tsm for enchanting for some time now quite succesfuly but i still havent found what is best setting for prices.
For tidespray linen crafting a simple one would be dbmarket i 152576 10 2g50s 0 15.
This is where you configure tsm.
Added tsm button to the top of the profession window for toggling between crafting and default profession windows.
Recipes can now be favorited within the crafting ui to allow for easy access.
Bonus custom prices by sheyrah sheymin sheynorm sheymax install instruction for tsm 3 in settings custom price source name type the name in quotes and hit enter.
You can switch back to the wow ui at will in this post we will focus on the ah ui.
The tasklist only helps me moving mats from the bank if i have all of the things for the whole queue complete.
Tradeskillmaster tsm is an addon designed to help both casual gold makers as well as experienced goblins streamline their gold making processes.
Added all row to the top of the list of crafts for the current profession.
Tsm will replace your ah ui your mailbox ui and your crafting ui.
This includes crafting buyout tracking sales managing inventory and much more.
We will get to the other parts when we get to mailing and crafting.
Crafting will no longer allow using crafting as part of a craft value price source mat prices unaffected.