Comment by allakhazam upon reaching a 250 leatherworking i went to the master leatherworking trainer and he taught me how to make rugged armor kits converting thick leather to rugged and how to cure a rugged hide.
Cured rugged hide wowhead classic.
I ran it three times and got over 22 rugged hides and 80 some rugged leather.
Always up to date with the latest patch 1 13 4.
Bfa ptr beta classic.
Rugged hide is an item that can be used by leather workers to craft various types of leather armor.
There are about four or five guards that either drop 10 19 rugged leather or 5 8 rugged hide.
Cured rugged hide item.
On llane refined deeprock salt goes for 7 12 gold each and cured rugged hides go for 2 4 gold each.
The best part is simply farm leave reset instance and do it all over again.
Always up to date.
While the class design tuning and spell effects all match the vanilla reference the main difference between the two is the absence of late game content.
I have a salt shaker but can t cure teh hide.
Added in classic world of warcraft.
In game link in game link forum link forum link wowpedia wowpedia cured rugged hide 1 11.
Wow classic runs on patch 1 13 a brand new version number based off of the last vanilla patch before the burning crusade 1 12 2.
Classic theme thottbot theme.
Ok after much searching and asking i finally found where to learn to cure rugged hide.
Doesn t make much sense that it s more profitable to sell the refined salt than to sell something that s made using the refined salt.
Added in classic world of warcraft.
Added in content phase.
The leather trainer there drakk stonehand teaches you cured rugged hide and a few other patterns.
Bfa ptr beta classic.
Comment by thottbot the trainer is in the dwarven stronghold in the hinterlands just below aerie peak two levels down.
I wanted to kick myself but thought i would share since no one else has put the answer up.
1 2 vanilla 1 7 vanilla 1 11 vanilla level.
Comment by 157011 this item is needed by all class to make the tier 3 set.
Added in classic world of warcraft.
In wrath of the lich king expansion tier 3 no longer exists cured rugged hide.
Added in classic world of warcraft.
Cured rugged hide is an item that can be used by leather workers to craft various types of leather armor.
This is an uncategorized spell.
Cured rugged hide is an item that can be used by leather workers to craft various types of leather armor.