In the end the price range was between 2 100 3 500 for the total cost.
Culligan water softener repair cost.
If you want to buy a culligan water softener expect to pay upwards of 2000 3000.
Culligan provides a variety of repair and maintenance services to keep your household water treatment systems running at peak performance.
Unfortunately while culligan is a well established brand their customer service is generally rated very poorly.
A world leader in water treatment solutions for more than 80 years culligan s superior service supports our state of the art products.
Water softener service and maintenance cost.
Culigan rentals start at 23 month which include maintenance.
Your tech will measure the size of your home check on the number of faucets you have and find out how many people there are in your household.
When fixing old units or for costly repairs over 600 consider installing a new system to save in the long run.
Our water experts service most brands of water treatment equipment.
Water treatment repairs and services service now support always.
It s why millions of people around the world trust culligan.
A quick google search for culligan reviews reveals a lot of serious complaints from the excessive price of installation and repair charges problems with relatively new equipment not being covered under warranty and hidden fees.
Bear in mind that they have services starting at just 9 95 per month for their water cooler services and bottled water delivery service.
The average cost of a culligan water softener is around 400 for a base model but some of the larger models the company offers can cost as much as 1 000 or more.
An all inclusive water softener service costs 100 to 250 per year.
Water softeners typically last 10 to 15 years.
Given that the first place most people look to.
A professional inspection costs 40 to 100 not including parts and is recommended every year or two.
Service repair options.
For any other water system or softener issues that you experience on the weekend or after normal hours call us for 24 hour troubleshooting.
Contact us for more information or to schedule an appointment with a culligan certified water specialist.
Water softener maintenance contracts may include all repairs cleaning salt refills and delivery water testing and annual system inspection.
Water softener repair costs 150 to 600 on average without a contract.