The total cost of getting a culligan water softener installed in your home starts at 500 but this figure only applies to the smallest unit available and basic installation.
Culligan water softener rental rates.
Water treatment system rentals 9 95 month 1st 3 months.
I have personally experienced getting 5 estimates from different water softener companies to compare prices.
If you need to hook up multiple rooms and get a larger water softener your cost can easily reach 5 000 or more.
A basic water softener costs 500 1 500 and this is suitable for an average size home.
Water softener rentals from culligan start at only 25 month.
The culligan high efficiency he water softener features state of the art technology saving up to 46 on water salt and electricity.
Rent a water softener or drinking water filtration system from culligan for only 9 95 month for the first 3 months.
Rent a culligan water softeners or drinking water filtration system for only 9 95 month for the first three months.
Whether you decide to rent or own a culligan water softener drinking water system or water filtration system you ll be able to experience the benefits of better water in everything you do.
Also available as a twin progressive unit allowing you to soften more water quickly.
Contact us to learn more.
Rent a water treatment system for 9 95 month 1st 3 months culligan fast track coupon softener drinking water system or pe tank service rental each system 9 95 mo.
If you have a larger than average household then you can expect a suitable machine to cost around 1 000 4 500.
The advantages of both renting and owning are laid out below to help determine which is right for you.
Popular culligan water softener models.
For the 1st 3 mo.
That s why culligan provides the option to rent many of our most loved products from water softeners to filtration systems.
Rent or own the joy of great water.
Culligan of northern indiana offers culligan water softeners water softener rentals culligan bottled water and water cooler dispensers for your home or office.
This cost includes everything needed to hook up the water softener in your home and applies to both older and modern homes.
Renting a water softener can be an easy relatively low overhead way to bring quality culligan water into your home or apartment without actually purchasing a unit.
Contact us to learn more today.
Contact us to work with our water treatment professionals to find the right solution for you.