With the full line of culligan softeners filters and drinking water systems available you can find the right solution to fit almost any space.
Culligan water softener rental contract.
The world s most efficient water softener.
We believe that by providing the highest quality water service and expertise to our customers we can truly help you make the most of each and every day.
Water softener and filter rental agreements include one low monthly fee that covers all equipment servicing and repairs.
That s why culligan provides the option to rent many of our most loved products from water softeners to filtration systems.
It gives you the option to rent the softener and use it for a couple of months to actually test if it has any impact on your household.
Water softener rentals from culligan start at only 25 month.
Benefits of renting a home water system flexible rentals can be set up on a month to month basis so if you re really not the type to commit you have options.
Direct to fairmont mn location.
Whether you decide to rent or own a culligan water softener drinking water system or water filtration system you ll be able to experience the benefits of better water in everything you do.
Renting a water softener can be an easy relatively low overhead way to bring quality culligan water into your home or apartment without actually purchasing a unit.
Yeah the same logic applies here.
Rent to purchase agreements may also be available on certain makes and models of water treatment products.
Some rental companies offer the softener with no minimum contract which is excellent news.
Popular culligan water softener models.
Helping you live a better life.
The advantages of both renting and owning are laid out below to help determine which is right for you.
Contact your dealer to learn more.
Flat discolored laundry.
Rent or own the joy of great water.
Experience the difference of better water.
The company offers rental options monthly payment plans and you can even get a rent to purchase agreement.
Essentially if you really want to buy a culligan water softener then price should not be too much of an issue.
Contact us to work with our water treatment professionals to find the right solution for you.
Rent to purchase agreements may also be available on certain makes and models of water treatment products.
All the benefits of culligan none of the commitment.
All the benefits of culligan none of the commitment.
Water filter rental agreements include one low monthly fee that covers all equipment servicing and repairs.
Also available as a twin progressive unit allowing you to soften more water quickly.