This culligan he high efficiency water softener system has a unique patented smart technology.
Culligan high efficiency water softener.
Culligan water softeners eliminate mineral deposits in water that cause lime scale and soap scum while also prolonging the life of your appliances and saving you money on your energy bill.
The culligan high efficiency water softener uses culligan s patented smart technology designed to minimize water salt and electricity consumption by the water softener.
With culligan s many years of knowledge and experience in water treatment you can be confident that the model you selected has been designed and engineered to provide years of service with a minimum of care and attention.
This leads culligan to claim that the he softener is up to 46 more efficient than equivalent models on the market.
Schedule your free water test.
Softer water for a happier life.
Culligan high efficiency 1 25 inch water softener.
Culligan high efficiency softener cleer plus the smartest way to fix hard water iron and odor problems.
It allows you to save on the salt water and electricity that you use.
With a culligan water softener system in your home everything that involves water gets better.
Take advantage of these additional water softening products and services from traditional softener compare our products to find our which is right for you.
A high efficiency water softener from culligan delivers more soft water while using less salt reducing your household s salt expenses.
Hence the name high efficiency.
Some localities have corrosive water.
The far reaching benefits of water softening make it a must for any healthy home.
With any of our soft water systems get more out of your water using appliances while spending less on energy and detergent.
Endless supplyeliminate the hassle of pitchers and costs of bottled water with unlimited access to great tasting water.
On average it is 46 more efficient than similar devices.
Specifications of the culligan he water softener the high efficiency 1 inch water softener is designed to ensure.
Dependabilitythe culligan he 1 inch water softener is a consumers digest best buy and its patented technologies is backed by one of the most comprehensive.
In addition to reducing hardness and iron the culligan he softener cleer plus stops that rotten egg odor hydrogen sulfide.