Tps products is the leading standard in parts washing solutions.
Cuda parts washer detergent.
Not intended for soft metals.
We are cuda s 1 dealer and a top distributor of magido pmw and pro ultrasonics parts washers.
Cuda parts washers sells cuda front load parts washers up to 5 000 lbs.
We will repair your cuda or other aqueous parts washer to get you and your staff back to a more productive environment.
It contains a corrosion inhibitor for protection against corrosion and flash rusting.
Cuda parts washer soap is engineered to speed the cleaning process and give you superior results in a wide range of applications.
There are cuda products for both automatic and manual parts washers.
We are the factory authorized sales and service representatives for cuda parts washers.
App 1000 is an all purpose detergent for cuda aqueous parts washers app 1000 is a powdered concentrate parts washer detergent that is effective in cleaning heavy grease and oil buildup on parts made of ferrous metal.
Made for parts of ferrous metal.
Cuda detergents contain advanced formulas engineered specifically for use in aqueous parts washers.
An all purpose powered concentrate automatic parts washer detergent effective in cleaning heavy grease and oil build up.
We sell parts washers parts accessories detergents and rust inhibitors.
We service most brands of water based parts washers you might have.
With over 25 years in the parts washing industry we ll have you covered with service parts and detergent.