Cube warlock also arguably can t fall in the third category either it s a combo deck.
Cube lock deck hs.
Cubelock hit the meta game in the kobolds and catacombs expansion.
The deck seeks to cheat out the two big and impactful demons it has in the list.
Wild cubelock cube warlock deck guide 1 weapon 8 spells 20 minions 1 hero card wild full guide.
I was thinking about something like mill rogue because i remembered seeing a cool list but since hs replay stats got reset there arnt any decklists for mill rogue.
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I liked playing n zoth in standard so i was wondering what the best n zoth deck is in wild excluding cube lock because i have none of that deck at all and it is a lot of dust.
Check out popular cube warlock decks september 2020.
This is usually done with possessed lackey which you can then dark pact or trade to bring out one of your minions.
Wild discard quest warlock deck guide 12 spells 17 minions 1 hero card wild aggro quest full guide.
You can also use the warlock legendary weapon skull of the man ari to pull it from your hand.
Another point is the fact that most of the cards in cube warlock s deck recipes are above 5 mana.
Pain zoo warlock 1 legend lasagne hs august 15 2020 pain zoo warlock 70 legend adosensei august 14 2020 pain zoo warlock 89 legend so cute tiger august 17 2020.
0 4 4 1 6 7 2 6 14 560.
We will provide you with the best decks for scholomance academy.
Cube warlock 31 legend hs mentalistic.
All stats and win rates for decks are calculated using actual user game data.
Find the best decks all top ranked players are using.
Check out warlock standard decks october 2020 using data from last 4 days.
Find most popular warlock decks in different archetypes.
Drawing into your combo cards even with life tap recquires a lot of turns.
Wild even warlock deck guide 6.
The website is almost daily updated so you will get the best experience on what is played right now.
Find stats and different cube warlock decklists.