Do 2 3 sets of 10 repetitions.
Crunches on the floor and grabs his stomach.
Perform small contractions of your abdominal muscles to raise and lower your torso a few inches.
Abdominal crunches are great to get a flat stomach and lose the embarrassing jiggly belly fat.
Lying on the floor with your knees bent feet flat on the ground and hand to side of the head sit up and back down again slowly and controlled.
Maximuscle shows you how to do stomach crunches.
Start by doing three sets of 10 crunches and increase the number once you get comfortable.
You can do these with hands by your sides or behind your head for support.
Place a pair of dumbbells about shoulder width apart on the floor.
Lift your arms off the floor and extend your legs out.
They don t have the capability however to reduce the size of your stomach or make an impact on any excess fat you have at your tummy.
The cousin of full sit ups crunches involve lying on your back feet either flat on the floor or elevated in the air with knees bent.
Here s how to combine these types of crunches and create an amazing ab workout for women.
Start with the crunch i and or the crunch ii.
Crunches offer numerous health benefits including that they tone and strengthen your abdominals which helps you maintain proper alignment of your spine and lower your risk of back pain.