Jun 28 2018 12 59pm of course use it game is more enjoyable wen u hit head shot.
Crosshairs in killing floor.
Differences between killing floor and killing floor 2 duration.
Killing floor 2 wow this guy uses a crosshair in kf2.
Jun 20 2016 2 03am showing 1 15 of 40 comments.
Since enable cheats is set to true experience gained while killing zeds won t save when you leave the server if you re playing on someone else s server the same rules apply.
The center of the screen remains constant as the point of fire and whether or not you realize it you do have your aiming mentally tuned to account for the shots to go to that point the center.
So i just bought it and played a few games already and i m pretty disappointed that there s no crosshair.
You re wasting a lot of ammo by pointing your gun at an enemy shooting like there s no tomorrow and hoping it dies even worse at long range.
Crosshairs aren t used for this type of fire because it s done by muscle memory.
So if i enable 3rd person view on someone else s server than i won t get any exp at all when killing zed right.
On topic no idea outside of the existing one.
Crosshair is made by kraiden you can also of course make your own crosshair in a picture program.
So i m just basically wasting my time when i enable that.
What a pussy.
Jun 28 2018 12 51pm on the contrary i enjoy using it.
Killing floor 2 is a violently different beast compared to kf1.
Killing floor 1 didn t have one.
Crosshair is made by me you can also of course make your own crosshair in a picture program.
You are a casual for using wanting crosshairs.
Playing with or without crosshairs isn t that big of a difference in a horde shooter all of my hours were played with a crosshair and i ve recently turned it off it is a bit hard in the first 2 3 hours it only does affect me on very large distances but.
Sure i could aim down the sight but it s a bit of a hassle plus the gun moves all the time and the aim gets worse.
Just wait for the amount of messages saying.
Last edited by kraiden.