Compatible with most squat racks or rigs with 3 x 3 uprights and 5 8 holes.
Crossfit wall ball target size.
The 10 foot target and 20lb ball is the standard and it s a great way to have consistency and to know that you are doing the same movement as everyone else.
Most medicine balls or wall balls are 14 in diameter the wall ball target is 13 25 in diameter.
Height is easily adjusted to the standard crossfit competition heights of 9 and 10 feet high.
Training with a rack mounted iron edge wall ball target is the answer.
2020 crossfit llc.
How to improve wall balls paradiso crossfit duration.
Prior to starting film the height of the wall ball target and the weight of the ball so all loads and measurements can be seen clearly.
To make wall balls a bit easier you can modify this exercise by decreasing the weight of the ball or lowering the height of the target.
Hi david welcome to crossfit.
Hardward included to pull wall ball target together and mount to rig rack.
Also film the length of the floor marks for the handstand walk so all measurements can be seen clearly.
We use a 20 pound dynamax medicine ball and a flat vertical target originally the wall and hence the name located about 8 10 feet above the ground.
Great addition if you do not have enough wall space for your athletes.
150 wall balls 14lbs to 9 target 90 double unders 30 muscle ups 150 wall balls 10lbs to 9 target 90 double unders 30 muscle ups masters includes masters men women 55 includes masters men 55 in the wall ball the medicine ball must be taken from the bottom of a squat hip crease below knee and thrown to hit the specified target.
You can use any height for the target and any weight ball for that matter.
All video submissions should be uncut and unedited in order to accurately display the performance.
If due to hip or ankle immobility the issue is getting into the proper position at the bottom of the squat seguia says you can place a box bench or second medicine ball stacked onto some weight plates beneath your butt and squat to that instead.
At the call of 3 2 1 go the athlete will perform 55 deadlifts then move to the designated target to complete 55 wall ball shots then to the rower to pull 55 calories.
This workout begins with the barbell on the floor and the athlete standing tall.
Crossfit forging elite fitness 3 2 1 go fittest on earth and sport of fitness are trademarks of crossfit llc.
Easy homemade diy pull up muscle up bar with wall ball target for low celing or short garage duration.