Solid wood floors and engineered floors share the same species of wood.
Cross section of wooden flooring.
With a solid floor the janka score is the only barometer we have that forecasts durability.
However you wouldn t make a conclusion on flooring hardness based off of a wood species alone when you re looking at engineered flooring.
Use a pry bar to pry up the molding where the floor meets the wall to examine the cross section of the flooring boards.
Even if the stairs are fully finished you can get an approximate reading of the stairs thickness by measuring the distance from the top of the riser to the top of the finish flooring.
Maintenance is easy for a pre finished hardwood floor keep grit off of the surface by sweeping regularly and use a flooring cleaning kit alcohol based and spray on and wipe off with a damp cloth.
If you notice a veneer measure the thickness with a ruler.
Fill the hole and wipe off the excess.
Wood loses moisture from the time it is cut and manu factured into lumber until it reaches equilibrium in service.
Considering the cross section of a typical joist the overall depth of the joist is critical in establishing a safe and stable floor or ceiling system.
Be sure to get wood putty that matches the floor.
Joists must exhibit the strength to support the anticipated load over a long period of time.
Sometimes the top of a staircase has an unfinished opening that permits a cross section view of the entire floor.
Best performance of wood frame buildings is obtained when the moisture content of framing lumber at the time the build ing is enclosed with sheathing and interior finish is as close as possible to the condition it will reach in.