Below is a general estimate of how many calories you can burn cross country skiing at various paces for 30 minutes.
Cross country ski machine calories burned.
According to the american council on exercise cross country skiing burns approximately 10 calories each minute if you weigh 160 pounds.
Calories burned from cross country skiing at 4 mph for 60 minutes 12 860 x 60 772.
Person can burn 819 calories per hour.
The stationary ski machine helps you burn a high number of calories to achieve weight loss.
Skating and mountaineering burn more the above calorie counts apply to standard or classic cross country skiing on relatively flat terrain.
Ski machines typically help you mimic the movements of cross country skiing which is a physically demanding sport that helps you burn calories quickly.
Nordic track ski machines deliver a smooth and zero impact workout natural motion that simulates a cross country skiing workout.
If a gym workout is a little more practical than a trip north consider the ski machine.
By comparison skate skiing and mountaineering burn even more calories.
Calories burned from cross country skiing at 4 mph per minute 9 x 81 65 x 3 5 200 12 860.
Cross country skiing is a full body workout that burns calories at a rapid pace but not everyone has access to winter weather.
Find out how many calories are burned doing skiing cross country for different durations and for all your other favourite activities and exercises.
There are an estimated 441 calories burned by doing 30 minutes of skiing cross country.
Like any imitation the nordictrack doesn t provide a perfect recreation of cross country.
The nordictrack ski machine is built to imitate the motions your body goes through when cross country skiing an exercise widely considered the best cardiovascular workout available.
You can burn 250 860 calories cross country skiing for 30 minutes.
An average size 150 lb person burns upwards of 700 calories per hour skate skiing on flat terrain.
A person weighs 180 pounds 81 65kg and cross country skis at 4 mph a task that has a met value of 9 for 1 hour 60 minutes.
Person can burn 669 and a 190 lb.
Calories lost in two hours on a ski machine.
Sources and external resources.
2 5 mile per hour mph pace 24 minute mile if you weigh 150 lbs you can.
It depends on how much you weigh and how fast you ski.
Person using a cross country ski machine like nordic track can burn 561 calories per hour.