Adding a hem means to attach a sheet which is folded by 180 degrees.
Creo 2 sheet metal hem.
What happened to this functionality.
Using a variety of y and k factor bend allowance calculations designers can create flat patterns of the designs.
Exercise 23 sheet metal conical parts and text.
Sheetmetal design with creo 2 0 tips duration.
Solidworks sheet metal tutorial for beginner 1 base flange tab edge flange miter flange hem duration.
Tools tools to interact with technical support license management and product enhancements.
Creo parametric sheet metal tutorial duration.
Hem walls mitercuts.
Cad cam tutorials 86 997 views.
In creo if you use a form tool feature it will not account for the additional material in the flat pattern.
This comprehensive suite of creo sheet metal design tools helps users create features such as walls bends punches notches forms and relief features.
Figure sm 2 sub type sheetmetal and template options.
In addition sheet metal parts can contain normal pro e features such as solid protrusions surfaces and datum entities.
The edge you pick 1 specifies also the hem s folding direction.
I don t use sheetmetal mode often i m trying to add a hem to a part and i don t find anything in the creo 2 update training on it search for hem in creo turns up nothing.
Sheet metal parts can also be used in assemblies along with other pro e and or pro sheetmetal parts.
To add a hem you click an edge to specify where you want to add it.
When modeling sheet metal you always have to be aware of the process used to fabricate the part.
In this tutorial we will learn about the basic techniques related to sheet metal functionality of creo parametric by modelling a cover.
This part is either coined or rolled with a hem tool.
How to create hem edge in creo parametric 2 0 modified.
Extended modules creo elements direct sheet metal create a sheet metal part add a hem.
925 423 7496 lawrence livermore national lab 7000 e.
Description how to create hem.
The results should be similar.
Creo sheet metal training.