It can be used to store real or complex valued vectors and matrices grayscale or color images voxel volumes vector fields point clouds tensors histograms though very high dimensional histograms may be better stored in a sparsemat.
Create cv mat c.
Do not explicitly create outputarray instances applies here too.
If you want to make your function polymorphic i e.
You can do this using the operator of mat.
However for debugging purposes it s much more convenient to see the actual values.
Just like with inputarray opencv users should not care about outputarray they just pass mat vector t etc.
If the format depth or channel order is different use mat convertto and cv cvtcolor to convert it before saving.
Or use the universal filestorage i o functions to save the image to xml or yaml format.
Using cv mat create nrows ncols type method or the similar constructor cv mat mat nrows ncols type fill value constructor.
A new matrix of the specified size and specifed type will be allocated.
The same limitation as for inputarray.
To the contrary with c api where an output image had to be created by the developer an empty output mat can be supplied to each function.
The class mat represents an n dimensional dense numerical single channel or multi channel array.
The sample below shows how to create a bgra image how to set custom compression parameters and save it to a png file.
If it is not empty and has the correct size and type the method does nothing.
This method allocates data for a matrix if it is empty.
There are many different ways to create cv mat object.
N dimensional dense array class.
In the load modify and save an image tutorial you have already learned how to write a matrix to an image file by using the cv imwrite function.
This type is very similar to inputarray except that it is used for input output and output function parameters.
Each implementation calls mat create for a destination matrix.
The parameters which you add to the cv mat must have a name which fits to the following rules.
Creating a mat object explicitly.
Mat l 3 arr cv 8uc 1 scalar all 0.
The name starts with a lower or upper case character hence a value between a z or a z.
Be aware that this only works for two dimensional matrices.
Type has the same meaning as in cvcreatemat function e g.
We can create a matrix with more than two dimensions.
Cv 8uc1 means 8 bit single channel matrix cv 32fc2 means 2 channel i e.
Possible parameter names for matrix cv mat.
Int arr 3 4 3 2.
Complex floating point matrix etc.