He invented a spray that had one purpose to stop creaky floors from waking his daughter up.
Creaky floors waking baby.
And fixing squeaky wood floors is fairly simple.
Wedge shims between the joist and subfloor and use a clawhammer to tap them into place.
Now the clever dad is sharing his invention with other frustrated families and we are all for it.
After creaky floorboards kept waking up his newborn daughter an exhausted dad invented a unique spray that managed to silence his whole house and it is now helping other sleep deprived parents.
Although any floor can squeak hardwood floors and staircases are the common culprits.
Before we had luke my husband and i never noticed just how squeaky the floors were.
Creaky floors occur when the subfloor has been separated from floor joists.
It s a lovely little home with some original finishes including the hardwood floors on the main level.
But after we had a baby to keep from waking we found ourselves tip toeing around the house like a couple of ninja ballet dancers.
Sprinkle baby powder baking soda or powdered graphite over the squeaky floorboard and work it into the seams.
You can solve this by shimming the subfloor.
Squeaks happen when a house settles and wood flooring dries.
One such sleep deprived parent was paul lanzarotti.
Squeaky floors may alert you to kids sneaking in past curfew but they ve got little else going for them.
But now he is set to make a fortune after inventing a unique spray.
After weeks of creaky floors ruining his daughter s sleep the uk dad decided to do something about it.
You ll have several options to stop it.
This will lubricate the wood and should keep the floorboards from rubbing together and squeaking.
Paul lanzarotti 45 kept on waking his newborn daughter with his creaky floorboards which squeaked every time he took a step.
If that doesn t stop the noise locate the squeaky floorboard from below and look for movement as someone walks on the floor above.
When determining how to fix squeaky floors start by shimming the subfloor if possible.