A randomised trial of cranberry versus apple juice in the management of urinary symptoms during external beam radiation therapy for prostate cancer.
Cranberry juice and prostate cancer.
The prostate is a gland that starts causing problems as a man gets older especially after the age of 50.
Of course drinking cranberry juice is unlikely to do you any significant harm so if you like drinking it go right ahead.
8 12 cranberry extract also.
Specifically of the 184 men given cranberry extract only 16 8 7 percent experienced a urinary tract infection associated.
Prasain jk grubbs c barnes s.
Inflammation of the prostate and prostate cancer are two of the most common diseases affecting the prostate according to national institute of health 1 if you suffer from a prostate condition and are considering using cranberry juices talk to your doctor first.
Long term functional outcomes after treatment for localized prostate cancer resnick and others new england journal of medicine 2013.
In a previous paper the same group of authors say they have also shown that drinking cranberry juice can lower psa levels in men who were biopsy negative for prostate cancer and for chronic non bacterial prostatitis.
Some people think that cranberry juice can help but others feel it makes the soreness worse.
Weh km clarke j kresty la.
A cranberry extract inhibited prostate cancer cell growth by decreasing cyclins cyclin dependant kinase expression and mmp activity.
Don t drink cranberry juice if you are taking warfarin.
Clin oncol r coll radiol 2003 15 6 322 328.
Dose response inhibition of gastric cancer cells to cranberry is in part due to decreased proliferating cell nuclear antigen expression and apoptotic induction 59.
Cranberry anti cancer compounds and their uptake and metabolism.
An update of preclinical studies evaluating the cancer inhibitory potential of cranberry and cranberry derived constituents.
For example in some studies of men with recurrent prostate cancer and rising prostate specific antigen psa levels researchers found that drinking pomegranate juice or taking pomegranate juice extract significantly slowed the rate at which psa was rising psa doubling time.
Treatment with cranberry extract resulted in inhibition of growth for multiple different cell lines including oral breast colon prostate gastric and oral cancer.