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Cov mat r finance.
Type package title covariance matrix estimation and regularization for finance version 1 1 0 description estimation and regularization for covariance matrix of asset returns.
R functions for portfolio analysis my r functions on class webpage in portfolio r and portfolio noshorts r r packager package portfolioanalytics on r on r forge extensive collection of functions rtirme trics package fp tf lifportfolio extensive collection of functions r package quadprog solve qp for quadratic.
Smart beta is what people call algorithms that construct portfolios that are intended to beat market cap weighted benchmarks without a human.
Portfolio r functions for portfolio analysis to be used in introduction to computational finance financial econometrics last.
Suppose our data is in dat.
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Param er samp n x 1 vector of expected returns param cov mat samp n x n return covariance matrix param target return scalar target expected return param shorts logical if.
Useful financial r snippets making smart beta portfolios in r making smart beta portfolios in r here we explore smart beta and how to build portfolios which implement smart beta in r.
Macroeconomic factor model fundamental factor model and statistical factor model.
Cross covariance matrix computes the cross covariance matrix between two sets of locations for a spatial random process with a given covariance structure.
Er n x 1 vector of expected returns cov mat n x n covariance matrix of returns weights n x 1 vector of portfolio weights output is portfolio object with the following elements.
The portfolio can allow all assets to be shorted or not allow any assets to be shorted.
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Description compute global minimum variance portfolio given expected return vector and covariance matrix.
Typically the two sets are a learning set and a test set.
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For covariance matrix estimation three major types of factor models are included.
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Dat dat c 2 4 remove team name and ds names left in data frame names dat 1 playername mb game reshape from long to wide dat wide reshape dat direction wide idvar game timevar playername dat wide 1.
If short sales are not allowed then the portfolio is computed numerically using the function samp solve qp from the samp quadprog package.